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Trust in yourself and trust in the High Priestess! You have waited long enough, and it is time for absolution. Avoid conflicts, ultimatums, and extremities because there may be some unknown element to the equation. It is a sign to search your feelings, acknowledge them, and encourage stability. Following your intuition. She crafts meaningful bonds with the people who surround her and would go to great lengths to support them. Vekke Sind, The Empress Tarot Card 35 Interpretations! You can show them that there is no greater teacher than their inner voice and that this image of beauty and mystery they see in you is, in fact, a reflection of the virtues they have not yet accepted in themselves. They will conceal and twist the truth so it fits their agenda. Maybe its time for introspection, to reconcile the conflict within. In a reading, she often indicates an actual person in the seekers life, or the seeker if female. Your objective approach to problems and the ability to see all sides to a story saves you from failures and helps you get yourself out of the mess. Duality, being open to all possibilities. Perchance a long-awaited meeting will take place. If the High Priestess appears reversed in the future position, you may go through a time of mild depression and loneliness. March 2023 brings us the energy of the Universal Month 1, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. The High Priestess denotes preparation for self-growth and the purest intentions. After the youthful Magician, who chooses one single direction from which to act in the world, the High Priestess takes us to the crossroads of duality, from where we can reach a higher level of consciousness and transcend both mind and matter. You both have learned how to communicate with each other, when to tolerate and when to raise your voice. Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. She is, perhaps, the highest and holiest of all Tarot cards, guarding the veil that obscures a world of mystery while offering a silent invitation and a hint that everything is not what it seems. Imagine scented candles, old volumes of herbalism and Wicca sorcery, and a shrine dedicated to the Moon goddess Hecate. Think of a butterfly. All we have to do is learn to wait until the time is ripe, listen to our inner voice, and look beyond the obvious. Keeping the High Priestess Tarot card on your altar and gazing at it every now and then helps the energy of this card filter through your environment. All you need to know about yourself or other people, you can draw for your intuition. Shes admired for her talents, her intuition, and her steadfast, albeit introvert character. He wants to feel elevated and confident; I'd said the person see you as someone who has a strong personality. Sometimes, we dont have a specific question. The Swords Suit, along with The High Priestess, is also an interesting drawing. Her virtue is, as weve already established, patience. They may not be able to figure you out because you are always talking about something else. Or you have stagnated, refusing to act and develop your hidden, dormant talents. In a psychic reading, there are at least six cards drawn, and each tarot cards meaning is interpreted along with the other cards, always bearing in mind the first question upon which the reading is conducted and aims to give answers. For the High Priestess card, to enter into a relationship means committing to that unexplainable inner knowing and attraction, and bringing that out openly to the surface. The High Priestess and the Wands Suit is a combination that foretells action that you have calculated and strategized carefully. If it is your partners behavior driving you crazy, then you need to break it off. . Active. This spread would indicate that you are someone who knows how to deal with every situation that comes their way. Be wary if this card comes up during a love reading as a potential interpretation suggests obsession; if someone is romantically interested in you it signifies overly intense sentiments bordering on infatuation. You may feel like hiding and isolating yourself, or someone you care about may act out all judgmental and give you the cold shoulder. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. A person who is close to you may behave in a cold and strict way, giving you the silent treatment, and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. It also indicates that there may be silence in regard to a job prospect, and so it may be worth looking at other options. While a positive atmosphere surrounds the High Priestess, in a yes or no reading she implies that the answer is not that simple for this matter. Guardian of mysteries and teacher of the sacred, the High Priestess resides between the conscious and unconscious, between the material and the divine. Be that as it may, the reserved character of the High Priestess makes her a friend to admire. Even five minutes a day, or one short hour when you particularly need it, will clear your mind of clutter and illusion. The passivity and confusion of the High Priestess reversed prevent her from disclosing her true intentions, or even making a decision. Sometimes I use it when I go to bed, or even in my office with my Asakuki Diffuser giving off the gentle scent of lavender in the air. For now, enjoy the calm and quiet of your home, a moment of appreciation and inner balance. This card can also be a sign of being too secretive with your emotions, thus repressing them. Quiet your feelings and still the mind. You may not be the type to act that way, but in the course of a relationship, there will be times when you will act out. The High Priestess is one of those cards that can be quite difficult to interpret, which I think is exactly one of the meanings that applies best to this scenario. And the veil does not conceal and protect anymore; it merely prohibits. As an obstacle card, the High Priestess has to nurture and listen to her inner voice. You may have guessed wrong, or your question may be misplaced. Or how it is going to happen. You are in a position to make your own decision without being pushed to accept an offer. The High Priestess appears as an obstacle in the form of a cold and distant maternal figure who smothers her child by being overprotective. And theres no questioning your motives in their mind; they are as pure, clear, and mesmerizing as moonlight. What does the High Priestess Reversed mean in Friendship? If someone feels the High Priestess for you, it means there is a deep connection you both share, one which neither of you may be able to explain. High Priestess Francesco Santese. They may have a secret plan or agenda, or they simply cannot decide for themselves. The challenge here is to know whether this affair is a purely intellectual one, or if theres a way to advance on a meaningful relationship, one that needs patience and love above all. Another meaning for this card is that of a platonic, intellectual relationship that may not or should not reach the physical level. Regarding finances, it may indicate that you are going to make a financial mistake. They know you are upfront, honest, and loyal. Their unfathomable melancholy and sadness are only surpassed by the bright moonlight of their disarming smile. The High Priestess is therefore the esoteric aspect of religion while The Hierophant is the exoteric aspect. Not involving unless you have all the information. The only thing is he will think that much he wont actually take no action, and as hes the Kos it doesn't mean hes emotionless he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. Repeating positive affirmations daily to yourself to help you enhance your own intuition and inner wisdom is a great way to harness the energy of the High Priestess. This is also an excellent way to help enhance your intuition and strengthen your connection to you which is what the High Priestess is all about! Her love is immortal and fills the heart with joy. You are knowledgeable about different things, and you have an open mind approach. Having great potential. As always, with this card in your reading patience is advised. This is about the expansion of consciousness and inner bliss. It may also indicate that things are still moving behind the scenes. Its natural to have mood swings and to admit that you feel sad, lost, or insecure. Pentacles being about rewards and manifestation. How to bond with your tarot cards: 15 ways that work! In reverse, the High Priestess might refer to the ruins of a deserted temple, a secret or forgotten place of worship. They also see you as a wise person who knows how to balance things out. The High Priestess tarot card represents what is mysterious and intriguing as well as announcing the arrival of psychic revelation. If single, its a sign to develop trust and open your heart. Or it could be inactivity and wondering about what-could-have-been that gets to you. - he/she sees you as a "trouble" or a possible one. Once you quiet any external influences, opinions, or criticisms, and clear them away from your mind, you will uncover what your next step should be. They can read others like they were open books and not because of keen eyesight. Sarah believes the imagination knows no boundaries; it is not just a gift, but a privilege also, one utilized as a tool of exploration to penetrate the very core of our existence.Sarah has authored. Facebook Pinterest, Relaxing Sounds Tarot Cards Angel Numbers Archangels. This card signifies a truly intimate relationship, almost an unspoken connection, which can be both platonic or romantic. The White Noise Maker is something I use every day. It is a time to rest, heal, and recollect ourselves. In the negative sense of the High Priestess, we see a cold mother who refuses to let her child reach adulthood, smothers its dreams with her rigidity, and hides the beauty of the world from its eyes. To them, your presence radiates respect and adoration. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us | About Us. As an obstacle card, the High Priestess means that you are not listening to your intuition, and as a result, the decisions you make may not work in your favor. It can be regarding opportunities or solving a situation at work. If the High Priestess comes up for what they want to happen between you both, it indicates that they would like to explore this connection further and take things to the next level on a spiritual basis. Youre deeply in love, but you shouldnt forget to care for yourself. In case you asked a question regarding employment and the High Priestess card showed up, its almost always a positive sign, although it may be a while until you see the fruit of your labor. Major Arcana. So they are a couple in a sense but more as archetypes and on a higher plane. She carries the scroll of Divine Law and has been associated with science, religion, and tradition. Behind her, we see a curtain decorated with palm trees and pomegranates, symbols of victory, abundance, life, and fertility. In business and career, The High Priestess is a good omen that indicates you are putting your skills and abilities to work. What is Kim Kardashians Zodiac Sign? It may be a while until you realize that there was no reason to wonder about this subject in the first place. Here, on the threshold of the temple, there is no choice but to stand still and listen to the voice within our hearts. You may be misunderstanding words and intentions, scrutinizing details instead of just trusting yourselves and remembering that you are truly loved for who you are. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card Reversed mean in Conflict? She is wearing a light blue robe that matches the color of the sea and sky in the background.Her headdress might resemble the three lunar phases and, along with the crescent moon at her feet, reveals an intuitive and feminine connection between her and the Moon card. This sublime image, however, may create the illusion that youre above the ordinary human life. Regarding finances, it can indicate that you may get some good opportunities, which you need into consideration of how much money you are going to make. In reverse, the High Priestess is not a very good sign for financial and career issues. A sign to sit quietly for a while, the High Priestess card is the opposite of action. How will you become a complete being if you dont accept that we all make mistakes, but we also have great potential for wisdom and greatness? The High Priestess indicates that you will be successful, and whatever you choose will be the right one meant for you. You know how to do the right thing at the right time. She may seem cold and distant like the moon because her faith and her purity are truly otherworldly. This combination also advises you to nurture your divine feminine energy with meditation and self care. It can also refer to libraries, studies, secret rooms, and the workspace of someone who practices divination and witchcraft. How to shuffle your Tarot cards. They may want to propose to you, but they may also hold back a little because they dont know you very well, or your abilities scare them. - Page of wands is a bit immature, as all wands; - a hot temper, fiery, passionate, go-getter wham-bham here-today gone tomorrow 'Right Now' attitude; - as someone who's incapable of keeping her fire in check, i.e., hot-tempered; - Feelings suggested are probably very intense and warm toward you; - you have the potential to be loving and kind. Taking into account, there are 78 tarot cards in a deck. Here, the horned diadem that shines with the glory of the sun turns into a crown of self-proclaimed authority. The High Priestess reversed may seem to be unreachable, cold, secretive, and difficult to comprehend, someone who conceals their self under many layers. Is the High Priestess Tarot Card a Yes or No? the reader . Full Moons, major transits, and just getting through March oh my! While the High Priestess as an archetype transcends feelings and stands alone, she may appear as a guide for someone who doesnt entirely comprehend themselves and what theyre going through emotionally. Vekke Sind, Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! When reversed, this card implies mental and spiritual dissonance. "We can talk about your problems for 20 minutes but then I really need to go" and, over the longer term, try to establish what it is that keeps you as their friend. The reversed High Priestess indicates isolation, coldness, jealousy, and passivity. It means a new beginning with a lot of communication. The High Priestess Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The High Priestess Reversed in a Career Reading. Magician as How Someone Sees You. Unify Cosmos is dedicated to seed the positive aspects in everyone life and we do this through promotion of spiritual initiatives. In reverse, the High Priestess withdraws from the world because of disappointment, avoidance, and even self-contempt. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. Sometimes you give more. It can indicate that you have a good mentor who is helping you to push forward or is teaching you the tricks of the trade. Waiting is a period of learning. These 5 Zodiac Signs Need to Watch Out When Mercury Goes Direct in Capricorn, 10 Vital Affirmations for Aquarius Season, A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love, Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards, Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023. I certainly see her as powerful but whereas the Empress' power in external it is something you can see and is manifest, the HP would be internal. This occurs in many people who suffer from OCD or anxiety. There is absolute trust and honesty on their side. You are someone they feel they can share all of their secrets with, and they wish to deepen this relationship with your even more. The High Priestess indicates that you choose to look further into the future, not to invest yourself in petty arguments that in the big picture wont have any effect. Now look at the card and let your inner chatter fade away. You can be sure that the person of interest admires your patience, knowledge, sensibility, and intuition. One Card Readings are for when you need a fast, straight to the point answer. Furthermore, they may believe you can teach them the secrets of life, help them understand a different way to perceive the world, or at least offer support and warmth in times of trouble. Reversed, the High Priestess can be translated to emotions of guilt and shame. Maybe the answer is unclear because its too early to tell, or you have the answer but feel uncertain. The High Priestess is a fantastic card to receive when asking how another person sees you. A reversed High Priestess can also mean that you have been silencing your inner voice. What About the High Priestess in Reverse? Your email address will not be published. This card is a sign to listen to your intuition and follow your gut feeling, a silent invitation to be still and know. You could find them in a tidy house, reading a good book, having a hot cup of coffee, and waiting for their faithful lover while a jazz record is playing in the background. They see you need someone stable, you have done your reflection, and you are sure about what you want. Perhaps the person you are wondering about was waiting for a sign of approval that you never offered. In reverse, the High Priestess is considered to be cold, stubborn, self-serving, and judgmental. The High Priestess is a quiet person, even mysterious sometimes, someone who can offer great advice and help you solve your problems with an aura of certainty and integrity. She suggests that there is no right or wrong or wrong way to go about this matter. They want people who inspire them and share their knowledge and experience. She could be hiding her beauty, holding on to moral values and a pious faade to cover up confusion, or trying to create the impression shes unattainable and special. Possibly even a soulmate; - Fours are about stability and Cups are about emotion, so it's about emotional stability. The reversed High Priestess creates a dubious impression at best. There is also the possibility that youre not seeing whats going on beneath the surface, focusing on superficial trivialities. This card is also connected to the Moon, water cycles, and tides, and as such, it is also associated with psychic abilities and potent, perceptive dreams. He/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend and because of your flirting/politeness, he/she thinks you looking to cause some trouble in his relationship; - I would say that he is feeling a bit defeated at the moment and he wants the pick me up or the boost that you give him. She represents unconditional love and wanting whats best for the other. Look within. You will never truly know a person who is like the shadow of the High Priestess because they will never let you get too close. Reversed Position: If you pull the card in a reversed position, it means No. Only a pure heart can approach the Priestess. The High Priestess holds the number 2, and it is the third Tarot Card of the Major Arcana cards. You may find yourself driven by other peoples opinions or lacking the self-esteem to pull off a project. View this as a chance to face your feelings so you can slowly rebuild a strong foundation. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. Apart from the occult and sacred, the High Priestess card possibly refers to a place where knowledge is kept and is accessible to whoever wishes to learn and study, namely a library, an archive, or a university. It might be somewhere close to the sea or a lake. It indicates that you have found peace and security in your relationship. Secrets, gossip, jealousy, or undeserved cruelty may be going on behind your back and stopping you from feeling loved and accepted. Or you could be a little hot-tempered. In other words, she has mastered the virtues of patience and meditation. This reading is usually done in the morning, so you form an idea of what that day will bring you. Relationships, especially ones that require long-term commitment, need patience and determination. She will most likely represent the woman of interest or the seeker if she is a woman. Concerning possible career choices, the High Priestess usually signifies a well-educated person or a healer. The High Priestess poses the challenge of trusting in your intuition and having faith. It is cruelty and ignorance disguised as a moral facade. High Priestess how someone sees you High Priestess as how someone sees you - very intuitive, wise and yes mysterious; - he/she is hiding his feelings at the moment and is not prepared to do anything about it just quite yet; - secretive and quiet; High Priestess deity High Priestess deity Egyptian - Isis (as priestess) The High Priestess.When the King and Queen appear in combination in a relationship reading, this can reflect that both you and your partner desire having it all in life; the marriage, the kids, the pets, and a happy . Of course, shes always associated with books and the writing process. A problem or a riddle may have been troubling your mind. This card could also indicate that where others seek to win over others with physical fists or immoral power plays, you should instead seek wisdom and clarity. Doing this will help remove the obstacle you are confronted with. It could be by investing your money in a financial scheme, taking a job opportunity without proper knowledge, or know who youre working for. You see I see both the Empress and High Priestess as the emodiment of 'feminine' energy. - How someone sees you may be different then you see yourself, it may not even be true; - They see you as a busy person, a lot on your plate. This is not the time for changes, bold moves, and risky, new enterprises. They are people who think they know, while they know nothing, and in their path towards oblivion, they would desecrate and diminish even the noblest heart. You know how to put boundaries in place, respect yourself and your partner. This spread indicates that you are receiving lots of offers, that may be job opportunities or business partners coming to you with deals. Vekke Sind, Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Empress as How Someone Sees You. This card in reverse could mean that overthinking and anxiety have cornered you and you just dont know how to get away from yourself! Required fields are marked *. Theyre feelings, not concepts or ideas. If you have started dating a new person, The High Priestess may indicate that your date may see you being sensual and mysterious. In an external conflict, it could signify losing your cool and letting others disrupt your inner peace with personal jabs. A seemingly virtuous person can turn out to be a liar whose thoughts and actions are pathological and chaotic. You may have disappointed them and theyve misread your calm and quiet character as bleak indifference. So it could be talking about someone controlling or someone who is dissatisfied with the status quo and wants to lay down some ground rules before things go on; - The fool is a nice cardit shouldnt always be looked at from its negative aspect. In each case, you know the answer, if thats who you are, you need to work on yourself. This wont be a time of drastic change, but quiet and mindful waiting. If they hold the same qualities as you, they will be a good match for you . Often they will obsess over a person, try to approach them in an almost invasive way, or blame them for irrelevant matters.